


My farewell party

Today my classmates held a farewell party for me.

I will begin my new journey. First, I can go to experience nature air and simple country breath in Taitung. Second, I can go to Taipei to enjoy bustling life. Last, I will go to KSVCS where all different from KIHS to learn their thing.

I believe it will take a lot of experience and fun. Hope I can lot of things including pictures, presents and souvenirs from every school for my classmmates. That we better understand the lives of other school to achieve one of the purposes of this exchange.

They orderd me to do a review's video and said something to me.
Click here
Last they told me "Bon Voyage, Harika!" that make me too moving.

By 龔雅卿(763040) 施建安(763009) 邱彥維(763007) 

