


Our homeroom teacher wedding

March 27,2010

The auspicious day was our homeroom teacher wedding.
We were fortunate to be selected to represent our class to participate in this fantastic wedding held in Kaohsiung Hanshin .

We had Mister Dount for our breakfast

and then we didn't go to ceremony until noon.

Everyone dressed up for the ceremony.

I also worn my uniform to attend the wedding .

The wedding bedan and the bride entered the wedding reception.

It was exciting to watch the attractive bride and handcome groom walk on the red carpet.

When the delicious dishes were served , everyone held thier chopticks ready to eat.

At the same time , the bride changed another formal clothes cna gave some candy yo us .

We gave our teacher a big present a big card .

At the end of the wedding , we take pictures with the bride and groom .

At last , we took the MRT to gey back home .

