


The Christmas

Dear Friends :
I am Happy to share with yoou how I celebrate Christmas in Taiwan. This is my frist time to celebrate Christmas in Taiwan. Our school set up a Christmas tree in the hall, and play the Christmas music at lunch time.
we hold a party at which we exchange gifts with classmate. There are a lot of gifts. And the teacher of the Mechanical drafting department  also prepared some gifts for us. That was a lot of homeworks. In fact, he was just kidding. Everyone was relieved after that he said so. Someone will get funny gift such as five piece of bread, and balloons in special shape. It will make us laugh. That day, we will be in a cloud of Christmas. How do you celebrate in Tajik?

Dear Friends :
Even though Christmas is from western culture, we alos celebrate Christmas in Taiwan. This yoar, our class will hold a party in the classroom to celebrate Christmas. We will have  many interesting activities at the party. For example,  two of our classmates will sing love songs with a guitar and all of us will exchange gifts. On Christmas Eve, all the churches in Taiwan will hold Christmas party or prepare Christmas dinner for those who want to celebrate Christmas together.
A variety of shows will take place at these large banguets, such as a drama about Jenus and even draw lots activities. Each time when we celebrate Christmas in church, we can have Christmas day's feeling most. what are Christmas songs in Tajik? And what are customs about Christmas in Tajik? 

2 則留言:

  1. Hello dear friends,
    I se you celebrate Christmas very well. Thanks for writing about it.
    For me New Year is wonderful day. As we are Muslims we do not celebtare Christmas but we celebrate the New year. December 31 till Jan 1st.I spent it with my family. We cook and make many tasty things and eat it till the next day January 1st. And in New Year women watch TV because many good New Year programs and concerts are shown. And children and fathers prepare the fireworks and lit it in the street and watch other fireworks through the window.
    And people usually do not sleep they watch tV and go to relative and friend’s houses and congratulate each other with New year wishes. And at 12 o’clock our president delivers New Year speech and tells about country’s achievement and success. And when the clock strike 12 o’clock midnight everyone raise their cup and each other Happy New Year. And my mother says how u spend the first day of new year so it will finish. If you start quarrel all year u will have quarrel. And every one try to spend the first day of new year with smile and joy. And In New year eve people try to get rid of some old things, clothes.

    And here what my students write about how they celebrate New Year.

    How do you celebrate New Year
    We celebrate New Year on the 31st of December. It is great holiday. We buy new clothes and new things. We put New Year tree in one corner of our house. Parents buy presents to us. We lay the tablecloth and put many tasty things on it. Such as different salads, cake fruits and prepares several foods. And person from my family wear costume of Father Frost and one wear the costume ice princess. We switch off light and shout Father Frost three times just for fun. We sing songs, play games, dance and have a lot of fun. If it snows we make snowman and put carrot on his nose or play snowballs. But usually the weather is warm and no snow. Then we watch fireworks outside and hear many loud sounds. The sound of crackers all are New Year spirit. In conclusion I want to say that we have good New Year with our family.
    Zainabe 11th grade

    New year Day is a special day for our people. Markets and shops are crowded with people. Everyone is making shopping buying tasty things and presents.We decorate our house with decoration, and new year tree. We make our dastarhan and put all things on it. We send post cards to friends and give presents to close people. In our town you can see New Year tree. And all families go in the evening and take photos there. There you can hear sounds of salutes and crackers. Some crackers are so dangerous. And to use propellant explosion in the streets is canceled because it scare people and not safe.
    As New Year is not our holiday it is Christian holiday. Our new year is March 22nd. But from Soviet times we get used to celebrate it. We just see off the old year and set table and remember all good things happened in this year.
    Aziza 8th grade

  2. Hello!!!Zebo!!!Thanks for your sharing.
    We will also celebrate the New Year, but, we celebrate the lunar New Year.
