


Taiwan Local Food

Today, Irose and Mars took me to the nightmarket.Mars told me the nightmarket was the biggest feature of Taiwan. In the nightmarket, I saw the vendors sell less-expensive products, traditional goods and many kind of Taiwanese local snack. The foods looked so delicious that I wanted to eat it all but I couldn’t, so I just tasted some.

First, we had Stinky tofu. Irose said that it was a form of fermented tofu and had a strong odor and that its shape was square. It was put into a pan, dipped with the fermenting bean curd, and fried. Finally, the vendor would put some pickle on it. I found it very delicious.

Than I felt thirsty, so we went to the tea shop to buy some drinks. I ordered the Tapioca milk tea. I knew that it was the most famous beverages in Taiwan and I’d love it. Tapioca milk Tea originated from Taiwan. It was made of little tapioca balls that were boiled in black sugar and dropped in the milk tea. It tasted great no matter it was made cold or hot.

It was pretty late. We had to go home, but I still felt a little hungry. They took me to try the final local snack “Oyster omelet”. Mars said that it was his favorite food. Then he introduced the Oyster omelet to me. He said that the dish was made of an omelet with some small oysters and vegetables in it. It was very nutritious. Because time passed so fast, we had to go home. I was glad to walk around the nightmarket and eat many special local foods with Irose and Mars. It was a nice memory. Hope I can go to the nightmarket again..

Best wish
By Irose and Mars

